They decide to commission a slightly smaller one, to be called Lady Linda, 187 feet long with an eight-foot draft. 他们打算重新订做一艘略小的游艇,大约187英尺长,8英尺高,就起名叫“琳达女士号”(LadyLinda)。
You may find that the revision process takes as long or longer than writing the draft or first version. 你会发现修改过程用的时间与写草稿一样多,甚至更多。
Domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large dewlap; used chiefly as a draft animal in India and east Asia. 长角、背部有肉峰喉部有大垂肉的蓄养牛;在印度和亚洲东部主要用于驮重物。
Processing speciality of double short apron draft and SKF long short apron draft were compared, spinning were done in pure cotton carding variety and combed variety. 对比分析了双短胶圈牵伸与SKF型长短胶圈牵伸的工艺特点,并在纯棉普梳和精梳品种上进行了纺纱对比试验。